How To Be Your Own Florist on Your Wedding Day…. or Maybe Not
Ah… the DIY (do it yourself) floral question. My least favorite thing to hear; not because I’m a florist, well, mostly because I’m a florist, but really because I know how much work is involved ordering, buying, receiving, processing and arranging said flowers. Have you ever tried to store 20 finished centerpieces on your kitchen counter or hotel room floor? All the while maintaining a room temperature of 40 degrees?   Being your own florist on your wedding day can sound appealing but are you really ready? Wedding flowers are hard work, and are pretty needy when it comes to time and attention! Here are my thoughts on should you, or shouldn’t you. I think you can see where this is going…

Consider All the Costs

Everyone is on a budget and flowers can be expensive… those online places that sell you flowers in bulk might be slightly cheaper than your local florist, but they are not the same quality. There are many reasons the flowers I use cost more than what you find online or in your local grocery store… Most of which are quality and freshness.. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gotten a panicked phone call from a bride or a venue (sometimes even for a wedding I have nothing to do with) asking me if I have extra flowers laying around on a Saturday in June because the DIY flowers are dead in a hotel room the day of a wedding. It can end up costing more money in replacements..  Storage is very important. Keeping flowers in a room that is too warm for as little as an hour will affect their look come reception time, and not in a good way.


Another cost to consider is your time.. do you really want to be arranging flowers 2 hours before your rehearsal dinner? Or the morning of your wedding? Wouldn’t you much rather be sitting around, sipping mimosas in matching floral bathrobes with your bridesmaids?

Flowers require a ton of time for prepping, arranging, storing, delivering, setting-up, and taking down— all of which happens in the days just before your wedding. The taking down is very important here.. Most of the venues I deal with require me to return to pick items up the evening of the wedding.. when it’s over.. which means a late night. Do you want to say goodbye to your guests and immediately start taking centerpieces back up to you room? Not really a fun afterparty…

The week leading up to your wedding and your wedding day are very special.., you should be taking time to enjoy those special moments rather than working! 

Choosing to have a professional take on the task of handling your wedding flowers gives you time to enjoy all of the once-in-a-lifetime moments as you get ready for your wedding day. 

What Happens After the Wedding?


So, ok, you did your own flowers! Congrats.. everything went off without a hitch and you couldn’t be happier. The only thing you have to do now is figuring out what to do with the dozen or more vases, chandeliers, arches and other various, left-over wedding materials. Do you really have the space (or a need) for most of these things after the wedding? Do you have a delivery van to take it all home?

Of course, there are options, like posting or selling these items online or at a garage sale, for example. But who’s to say you’re really going to be able to recoup your money’s worth, not to mention, all the time and work you put in finding, preparing, managing, and storing those items?


Your wedding should be everything you’ve always imagined it to be and more! When it comes to wedding flowers, it’s best left to the professionals. Skip the flower stress and take the time to enjoy those memorable moments leading up to your wedding day. The slightly higher upfront cost is well worth the time, stress, and hard work you’ll be saving in the long run! There are lots of ways to stay on budget, do a little something yourself, and have the professionals take care of the rest..


At blooms by Country Greenery, we’ll take care of all the floral details on your special day so you can relax and enjoy the moment. Call us at 609-465-1662.